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Youth Theatre Group

We are very happy to announce our Youth Theatre group in partnership with A2 Dominion Group.  We would love for your child to come and join us to learn new acting and performance skills. The children will play drama games, be a part of a variety of productions, learn new acting techniques and devise their own theatre. 


Here are the details:


Youth Theatre Group

1PM - 3PM

Open to children aged 7 years to 15 years


Havelock Children's Centre, 17 Trubshaw Road, Southall, UB2 4XW.

£4.00 per class

Children should wear loose clothing and trainers for the class as they will be moving around. Please provide a bottle of water and a snack. 

There is free parking available at the centre along with a waiting area and local shops. 

Please complete the form below and send payment via bank transfer:

As a reference please provide your child’s first initial and surname (e.g. ABAKER):

Account Name: Skipz Productions cic 

Account number: 17940929


Sort code: 23-05-80


Once the form and payment has been received we will send you a confirmation via email. Please register asap. Payment for the class must be made before your child is due to attend. Alternatively if you would like us to send you a registration form please email us at


If you any questions please email or send us a message using our Contact Form: 


Thanks! Message sent. Please make payment. We will send you a confirmation email

© 2020 by SKiPZ PRODUCTIONS CIC. All Rights Reserved. 

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